Picture of Kaitlin

Kaitlin Kelley

Software Developer

Recent Projects

Recent Projects

Use The App GitHub Repo

Overview: Allows a user to save their regular routes, such as Home to Work or Home to Child's School, and check traffic on those routes

TechStack: HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, json-server, HERE Traffic API

GitHub Repo

Overview: social media app that allows users to post articles and events, follow each other, post in the live message board, and create private tasks lists

TechStack: HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, json-server

A Little About Me

Graduate high school, graduate with a 4-year degree, get a job related to your degree. Those are the basic steps that many people are expected to follow, with the next step being settle in for the foreseeable future. I managed to follow the steps right down to finding a job at a startup business using my management degree. During the 2 years that I worked at the small welding school, I learned how to learn (before I realized how important that would be). As the entire office staff, I wore many hats and worked on different projects almost every week in addition to running day to day operations.

I enjoyed the challenge of taking on new tasks that I had never approached before. I learned something new every day, and it wasn’t long before I was having one-on-one calls with the accountants, bankers, and advisors for the company. However, as much as I enjoyed solving the puzzles that came with every new project, I decided that completing the same reports on the same days every week was not for me.

I started looking at software development because it seemed to offer everything I was missing at the welding school while maintaining the aspects I actually enjoyed. Software development requires continuous improvement and growth, challenging projects, individual excellence and teamwork, and the field is always evolving. Finally! A job description where the requirements are just the list of traits that I said I wanted for the previous 2 years, and it’s full time. I researched programs across the country and found that Nashville Software School offered intensive hands-on training that wouldn’t take years to complete. I enrolled, started class, and confirmed within weeks that this is the industry for me.

Every day I learn something new, even when I work with tools I learned in my first week of school. I spend my entire day creating small wins for myself and my team by solving all of the puzzles that come with writing and debugging code, and I see the immediate effects of every task I complete. I am excited to grow in a field that equates learning with success and requires a mindset of daily improvements.

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